FloraRobotica | AMU
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In the Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology (Adam Mickiewicz University) we are investigating plant response to different abiotic stimulation. We focus on plant tropisms and the influence of localized stimulation on plant development and growth. Diversified light wavelength, vibration, phytohormones are tested in order to explore possibilities of regulation of plant growth and shape in flora robotica bio-hybrids. Plant response is analysed with molecular biology and biochemical tools like confocal microscopy, GUS staining, protein and nucleic acids analysis.


Our group also provides the flora robotica consortium space and controllable conditions for plant cultivation.


Follow this link for further information on projects and activities of the Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology.

the flora robotica team at AMU

Przemyslaw Wojtaszek

Przemyslaw is Principle Investigator

Tomasz Skrzypczak
Postdoc Researcher

Tomasz’s focus is plant reactions to abiotic stimuli

Shraddha Wadurkar
PhD Researcher

Shraddha’s focus is signalling pathways in plant development.

Rafał Krela

Rafal’s focus is plants reactions to volatiles compounds and hormones.

Wojciech Kwiatkowski

Wojciech’s focus is experiment design with rPi and vibration motors.